- - - - - - - - - - - - - FORM STARTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #[REQUESTOR TEMPLATE]# name: email: acct-name: org-relationship: #[AUTONOMOUS SYSTEM TEMPLATE]# prefix: date: peer-as-contacts: #[AUT-NUM TEMPLATE]# as-name: descr: country: import: export: default: remarks: admin-c: tech-c: notify: mnt-by: mnt-routes: Additional information: If you are an APNIC member, are you requesting this AS number on behalf of a customer> If yes, do you agree to return the AS number to APNIC if your customer ceases to receive connectivity from you? Note: If you do not agree, APNIC cannot approve your request. If you are an APNIC non-member or requesting an AS number for your own network, you may leave this section blank. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ================================================================================================ PANDUAN PENGISIAN FORMULIR AS NUMBER PADA MASING-MASING FIELD ================================================================================================ #[REQUESTOR TEMPLATE]# name: Nama orang yang mengirimkan formulir ini ke hostmaster APJII email: email address yang mengirimkan formulir ini acct-name: Account Name masing-masing ISP. org-relationship: Jabatan/hubungan anda pada organisasi/ISP ini. #[AUTONOMOUS SYSTEM TEMPLATE]# prefix: Prefix IP Address yang akan diannounce oleh ASN ini. date: Tanggal implementasi ASN ini. peer-as-contacts: Informasi tentang ASN yang akan peer dengan ASN yang direquest ini. Formatnya: peer-as-contacts: , , , , : ASN yang akan peer dengan AS ini. Misal AS7597 : Nama organisasi pemilik ASN ini. : nama responden yang bisa dihubungi terkait dengan AS ini. nomor telpon organisasi ii menggunakan format internasional. Contoh: +62-21-52960634 : alamat email organisasi tsb yang dapat dihubungi. remarks: keterangan tambahan, misal info soal Spam & Abuse dikirim ke This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Additional information: If you are an APNIC member, are you requesting this AS number on behalf of a customer> If yes, do you agree to return the AS number to APNIC if your customer ceases to receive connectivity from you? Note: If you do not agree, APNIC cannot approve your request. If you are an APNIC non-member or requesting an AS number for your own network, you may leave this section blank. email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it peer-as-contacts: 17885, Upstream1, SSSSSS, +62-21-11111111, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it remarks: Send Spam & Abuse reports to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Additional information: If you are an APNIC member, are you requesting this AS number on behalf of a customer> [ISPNET] NO, WE ARE REQUESTING THIS ASN ON BEHALF OF OUR ISP'S. If yes, do you agree to return the AS number to APNIC if your customer ceases to receive connectivity from you? Note: If you do not agree, APNIC cannot approve your request. If you are an APNIC non-member or requesting an AS number for your own network, you may leave this section blank.