IDNIC Product Roadmap

IDNIC Product Roadmap

We are sharing this to provide more details on the work we have planned for the year, and beyond. This planning is based on our current understanding of needs and priorities and as this can change over time, the projects and their timing may also change. We hope this information is useful and do encourage you to visit regularly to see how work is progressing

All current and future features.

Upgrade MyIDNIC Login
In order to improve the security and integration of IDNIC login into multiple platforms, IDNIC will be upgrading the MyIDNIC Login (Single Sign On) platform.

Routing Information Service
Collecting all internet resource information service based on advertised routes in Indonesia. It's collected in historical event series.

Query Whois IDNIC
The process of updating the Whois data has been completed in 2022 with a total of 3,763 data pulled from the myAPJII system

Surat Kepemilikan IP
New feature to print IP ownership letter with just one click. This feature can simplify the process of applying for an IP certificate for the needs of Members.

Release New RPKI ROV Dashboard
RPKI Validation page for IDNIC members. ROV Dashboard is currently released on July 2023

Online Form For Resource Request Integrated With APNIC NIR API
Revamp resource request form with progress monitoring. Resource application performed via APNIC NIR API, to reduce time taken for delegation process

IP Address blacklist from abuse report received by IDNIC. RBL/RWL is currently released on July 2023

Redesign Application Form IP & ASN
Features currently been developed.

RPKI Repository Migration
currently the RPKI repository processing latency has dropped from 5 minutes to 13 seconds

IDNIC NetTools Application
Mobile application for network operators to troubleshoot network with IDNIC services

IDNIC IP & ASN Geolocation Service

RDNS API Integration
Integration myIDNIC with APNIC RDNS API to allow member update RDNS record automatically via myIDNIC

Kyu (Q)
Intelligent dashboard to gather all information across IDNIC service(s)

RPKI Resiliency Project
Features currently been developed.

RTIR (Request Tracker For Incident Response) for Helpdesk CERT
Currently on development and internal training

Features that have already been released.

Features currently been developed.

Prioritized features to be developed in future.

Unprioritized features planned for future releases.